I’m sitting here at quite late an hour, the night sky is riddled with stars, tiny flecks of light in the pure black void. Although sleep tries to envelop me, I wish to stay awake, for I know not how many beautiful nights like this I may live to see again.

Life has become a rush of events happening faster than I can contemplate, months come and go by as hours used to. I can feel the grains of time falling through the infinite hourglass signalling how the end is near. I find it astonishing how fast time is passing all of us by, but none of us truly appreciate what this time has given us. We don’t love the people we have in our lives, we aren’t happy with the things we have, we aren’t satisfied with everything we’re given. All we can really do is complain.

It keeps bringing me back to one point, what’s going to happen to all of us when there’s no time left to do anything? There’s no time left to repent for our mistakes, there’s no time left to give the love we failed to give, there won’t be any time to say sorry for the wrongs we committed. Time is passing by us so fast, and if we don’t appreciate time for it’s worth, I fear time won’t think twice about doing the same to us.

As I’m wasting away on this starlit night I’m left to think of all the wrongs I’ve done, all the hearts I’ve broken. I lay awake at this hour, not knowing what to do, with all that I’ve already done. Looking back on the life I’ve lived, I can’t help but sigh at how foolish I really was I never thought of how I took things for granted and never thought of how I could end up losing everything I had.

I never truly learnt to seize the opportunity and rise to the occasion on time for it to ever matter, I wasn’t able to be there for the people I loved, I wasn’t able to become the man I wished to be because of how I let countless chances slip through my fingers.

Where I stand now, it’s too late to cry about moments lost, but I can look to the future. I won’t give up till it’s over, if it takes me forever, if I stumble, I’ll get back up. Time waits for no man or woman, and I no longer wish to waste how much of it I may have left in this world.

With how fast time is flying by, I don’t know how long I have, I can’t say how long any of the people I love will be with me either. All I know is that I want to spend whatever I have left on this earth in the best possible way, I wish to live life to the fullest. Leave no stone unturned, and as I leave I want to forever imprint my mark on history.

Although I do find it odd how time seems to wish well upon some, while seemingly leading others to ruin. I see people getting admissions in the colleges they wanted, I see people getting married to the person they wished to, finding success in one form or the other. But then I see the misfits, the rebels who just don’t seem to fit. I see them struggling through life, I see them fighting and clawing to find their way in the world. What had they done to deserve what they had to bear on their own?

This is to the rebels who don’t want to be like the rest, for the misfits who want to stand out you may be different, you aren’t like the rest and that is brilliant in the age we live in. Don’t fret over how you may not be at a good point in life at the moment, you may not be like other people you’d see otherwise but your time will come. You aren’t like the rest and so you can’t expect to reach places at the same pace as them, we all have our own way of going about things and reaching places on our own time.

There is nothing in this world we can’t accomplish, so do not fret friend, do not cry for you aren’t a failure. You are a star just waiting to pierce the dark with your light, you just need to keep shining a little longer and a little brighter. Give your life a little time to mend itself, with time it will fix things. You are brilliant, you are beautiful, time leaves remnants of itself through whoever it goes and so shall it with you. And as time leaves us you will leave your art for the world to admire after you’re gone.

For you see time will tell the tale of how you turned time in your favour.

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